Rev Bekkie Wright

Name: Bekkie Wright

Role: Minister

Telephone: 07355 981564



  • Bourne Methodist Church
  • Deepings Methodist Church
  • Empingham Methodist Church
  • Ryhall Methodist Church
  • Thurlby Methodist Church

I joined the ministry team in the Stamford Circuit in September 2020 as a brand-new probationer minister.  I completed the first part of my formal training through the Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham in summer 2020.  Having been stationed (or placed) in the Stamford Circuit, I bring with me all the joy which comes from a mixture of starting something new whilst continuing to respond to a call from God which I have felt for many years.

I strongly believe in the practice that I call purposeful discipleship.  Embedded from the very beginning of Methodism, it is the deliberate response to God’s love, which asks us to challenge ourselves in a way that enables us to get to know both God and ourselves more deeply.  As Methodists ways that we do this include applying scripture to our lives and sharing our stories with each other in community.  As a result I enjoy hearing people’s stories of their faith journey.

Hobby-wise I do cross-stitch sewing and Iace-making.  I am planning to have a go at horse-riding: watch this space to see how that goes!