Minister: Rev Bekkie Wright
Address: Main Street, Empingham, LE15 8PR
Telephone: 07355 981564
Sunday Services
1st & 2nd Sunday of the month: 10:45am
3rd Sunday of the month: 4pm
4th Sunday of the month: 3pm
Safeguarding Officer: vacant – contact Minister
Safeguarding Policy: View Policy
At Empingham Methodist Church we have four different styles of Sunday worship during each month. Traditional morning worship at 10.45am; Café Church at 10.45am – a relaxed form of worship including discussion, prayer, singing, activities and Coffee & Cake; Tea Time Church at 4 pm -a half hour service for young families including singing, acting out Bible stories, puppets, prayer-time, and a time for adults to discuss the theme while the children enjoy themed activities, ending with a shared tea; Afternoon Fellowship at 3pm -normally lay led with favourite hymns, readings & prayers then tea and cake together.
We have hosted a Community Post Office since 2004, from 2 – 4 pm on Mondays with all the services of the Post Office, Refreshments, Second-hand Books, Photocopying & Laminating available. On the third Wednesday of the month we have the Circuit Communion at 10.30am. The Parent & Toddler Group meet at 10.30am till 12noon on Thursdays – a very caring happy group. Outside groups use the church regularly – Pilates, Yoga and the Village Flower Arrangers, and others from time to time. The Circuit meet at Empingham for the Circuit meetings and the Worship Leaders and Local Preachers meetings.