Ryhall Methodist Church

Photo of Ryhall chapel

Minister: Rev Bekkie Wright
Address: Mill Street, Ryhall, PE9 4HF
Telephone: 07355 981564
Email: revbekkiewright@gmail.com

Sunday Services

Safeguarding Officer: Charlotte Davis
Telephone: 07976 064410
Email: SMCSafeguarding@gmail.com
Safeguarding Policy: View Policy

Ryhall Methodist Church is situated on the edge of this Rutland village. We are a small but vibrant worshipping fellowship committed to making Jesus known and engaging with our community to make a positive difference. Besides our weekly Sunday services at 10.30am, we have:

  • A monthly Coffee Morning on first Thursday of the month, 10am to 12noon.

  • Bible Study & Prayer Group meets twice monthly on Thursdays from 2pm. Open the Book monthly (acting out Bible Stories) in our local primary school together with St. John’s Church.

  • A Holiday Club for primary-aged children

  • Term-term children’s sessions called ‘Sunday 4 Kids’ during the Sunday Service in the back room.