
Upcoming services, events and news

Preaching Plan

View the three month plan of services and worship across the churches in our Circuit.

Circuit Newsletter

View the latest Circuit newsletter to get the latest news and information.

Person facing away holding hands in prayer or reflection
Person facing away holding hands in prayer or reflection

Safeguarding Training

 Come along to our session of learning, discussion and reflection:

 Saturday 22nd March 2025 9:30am – 12:30pm at Ryhall Methodist Church


Both Zoom sessions on Tuesday 25th March & 1st April 7pm – 8:30pm

 We will be sharing information, discussing, and taking part in activities that together will help us to improve our safeguarding practice in our churches.

This session is designed for anyone who is a member and/or in a volunteering capacity as part of our Methodist Circuit and is recommended for anyone helping at church groups or events (for children and/or adults), as a pastoral visitor, steward and anyone who wants to know how to help keep our members and attendees safe within our churches and its wider events.

You will receive a Safeguarding Certificate for your attendance (to be updated every four years).

Please book via Charlotte Davis or 0797 606 4410

Person facing away holding hands in prayer or reflection
FREE Doorstep Crime & Fraud Awareness Training

for Pastoral Visitors and all those across our Circuit who support Church members

Friday 28th March 2025 from 10:30am – 12:30pm

at Oakham Methodist Church

Learn about how criminals worm their way into people’s lives, how they groom the elderly and vulnerable and then exploit them financially. Understand the methods they adopt and, most importantly, how to spot the signs if someone is already a victim of crime.

The session covers all areas of fraud including internet/cyber fraud; mass marketing fraud (including mail and telephone fraud); romance and courier fraud, social media data harvesting, and doorstep crime including: bogus officials, distraction burglary, and criminal (rogue) traders.

Limited spaces: please book as soon as possible by contacting Charlotte Davis (our Circuit Safeguarding Officer) on